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서화 · 기증유물실 Calligraphy · Painting · Donatons
서화 · 기증유물실 Calligraphy · Painting · Donatons

제7전시실) 서화 · 기증유물실

서화실에는 신위의〈묵죽도〉,전 이징의〈화조도〉를 비롯한 심사정의〈산수도〉,장승업의 〈화조수해도12곡병풍(花鳥獸麗圖十三曲居風)〉그리고〈고종황제어진〉을 비롯해〈박상 초상〉 등 영정들이 전시되어 있다. 고문서는 김정희•정약용 등의 간찰을 비롯하여 상소문•분재기•교지•완문•호구단자 등 매우 다양하다. 그리고 청송 고형곤박사가 기증한 허련의〈서 예6곡병풍〉, 〈달항아리〉를 비롯한 여러 유물들이 함께 전시되어 있다.


Exhibition Room 7) Calligraphy · Painting · Donatons

The room features paintings by well-known artists including “Bamboo” by Shin Wi(1769-1845), “Birds and flowers” by Chang Seungup(1843-1897), “Birds and Flowers” by attributed Yi Ching(1581~1674), folk paintings, landscapes, hanging scrolls including the portraits of Emperor Gojong and Park Sang(1474~1530). There are also many written materials including letters of Kim Chonghee(1786〜 1857) and Chong Yagyong(1763~1836), scholar’s appeal letters addressed to kings, records of property division, king’s letters to his subjects, official documents of real-estate transactions, and family registers. The room also has a collection of artefacts including a round pot, and works of calligraphy such as the 6-panel screen by Heo Ryon(1809~1892), a gift from Dr. Koh Hyounggon(1906~2004).


第7展示室) 书画 · 捐赠遗物室

书画室内有申纬的<墨竹图>、李澄的<花鸟图>、沈师正的<山水图>、张承业的<花鸟兽蟹图十二曲屏风> 以及被指定为全罗北道地方文化遗产的<高宗皇帝御真>、<朴祥肖像> 等影帧。古文书种类繁多, 包括金正喜、丁若镛等的简札、上疏文、分财记、教旨、完文和户口单子等。


第7展示室) 書画 · 寄贈遺物室

書画室には申緯の<墨竹図>、 伝李澄の<花鳥図>をはじめとした沈師正の<山水図>、張承業の< 花鳥獣蟹図十二曲屏風>、そして全羅北道地方文化財に指定された <高宗皇帝御真>をはじめとして<朴祥肖像>などの影幀が展示されている。古文書は金正喜·丁若鏞などの簡札をはじめとして、上疏文·分財記·教旨·完文·戸口単子など非常に多様だ。